Thursday, May 28, 2009

Isabelle's Blessing

Curt is blessing Isabelle on June 7th for anyone who wants an excuse to come to Texas...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dan's coming home!

Can you believe it's been two years already? Dan is coming home from South Carolina on Thursday, June 11th at 2 pm. Right now we are planning on June 28th for his homecoming talk in church. Dan has had a fantastic mission and has promised to not think the rest of the family is going to burn in hel... because we have not increased in spirituality at the same rate he has over the last two years!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grandma's house-do you recognize it?

So I went to a customer service training earlier this year and learned that in general people of the baby boomer generation and older have a fear of the newer technology.  So this post is for them, because my mom can't figure out how to make a blog or to even post on a already existing blog. At least she has figured out how to email a picture!
Anyway, this is Grandmas house and the new addition that is going on.  This was taken a little while ago and now the roof is nearly finished.  Also I hear that UDOT is redoing the bridge and making sidewalks so things are really changing. 
Also a quick little update: Adam is flying to Minnesota on June 8th to check out some resorts he is interested in buying.  He is going to stop in Utah on the way home for a few days on June 24-27.  Rashel and Andrea have graciously agreed to fly to Hawaii during that time to help baby-sit Adyson while I am at work.  If anyone else wants to come sometime and need a reason, we can always use a babysitter during Adam's classes!