Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grandma's house-do you recognize it?

So I went to a customer service training earlier this year and learned that in general people of the baby boomer generation and older have a fear of the newer technology.  So this post is for them, because my mom can't figure out how to make a blog or to even post on a already existing blog. At least she has figured out how to email a picture!
Anyway, this is Grandmas house and the new addition that is going on.  This was taken a little while ago and now the roof is nearly finished.  Also I hear that UDOT is redoing the bridge and making sidewalks so things are really changing. 
Also a quick little update: Adam is flying to Minnesota on June 8th to check out some resorts he is interested in buying.  He is going to stop in Utah on the way home for a few days on June 24-27.  Rashel and Andrea have graciously agreed to fly to Hawaii during that time to help baby-sit Adyson while I am at work.  If anyone else wants to come sometime and need a reason, we can always use a babysitter during Adam's classes!

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